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Current Day

Please select the accounts and balance type for your Current Day Report.

 Balance type: 
     Ledger Balance         Available Balance 

     Select all 
 Bank ID   Account   Account name   Currency 
 BMO  00012345678  Treasury Department Daily  CAD
 BMO  00011111111  North America Sales Account  USD
 BMO  01099999999  Supply Payment Daily  CAD
 BMO  98765432198  All Dividends  CAD
 BMO  22222222222  Employees Awards Payment  USD
 BMO  12345678000  Construction Maintenance  USD
 BMO  99999999999  Daily Cash Position  CAD
 BMO  00211111111  Training Account  CAD
 BMO  77777777777  Global Receivable  EUR
 BMO  11111111111  Tax and Bill Payments  CAD
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